Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Life Without Limits, LLC is located in Oak Harbor, WA on Whidbey Island. Life Without Limits, LLC is a pediatric Occupational Therapy clinic for children with special needs. We offer an array of Occupational Therapy services directed towards children from birth to 18 years. Sharon Andor, OTR/L works directly with the children in helping them to reach their full potential in all skills and areas related to Occupational Therapy. Here at Life Without Limits, LLC we help to identify your child's specific needs and help your child develop the skills to become as independent as possible.
What Is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy is a therapeutic intervention that assists individuals in becoming as independent as possible in their life job or occupation. For children their life jobs or occupations include playing, learning, attending school, and interacting with their environment.
Occupational Therapists help children who have physical, sensory, cognitive, and/or fine motor disabilities carry out everyday activities such as writing, coloring, cutting, dressing, and catching and throwing a ball to name just a few. Occupational Therapists can also help children create, adapt, and develop alternative strategies so that they can be an active participant within their environment.
Who needs Occupational Therapy?
Children with autism, down syndrome, ADHD/ADD, specific learning disabilities, mental retardation, failure to thrive, and those children whohave failed to reach expected developmental milestones may benefit from Occupational Therapy services.
If your child displays difficulty using crayons, pencils and/or scissors, putting puzzles together, has a strong aversion or a strong need for movement/sound, dislikes haircuts or tags on their clothes, or seems uncoordinated they may benefit from Occupational Therapy services.